“Tea Journey” Magazine – Legendary Figure Dan Bolton

Wenzhuo Liu

Dan Bolton worked as a professional journalist in North America for fifty years, including thirty years as an editor and publisher of food and beverage magazines. In 2010, Dan and his wife Susan settled in Winnipeg, Canada, Susan’s hometown. In 2015, he formed a team based on his previous experience and network in publishing magazines, and obtained funding through an online crowdfunding platform. In June 2016, the magazine “Tea Journey” was officially released as a 150 page print publication and online format. Since its inception, the magazine has successfully transitioned from traditional paper printing to online reading. Dan encourages tea journalists and experts who write for the publication to create and provide personal suggestions for the internationalization strategy of tea brands.


Popular Tea Magazine in English – Eighty Degree

Wenzhuo Liu

Martin Bohacik, born in Slovakia, was once the product manager of the British advertising company. After moving to Portugal, he started his own tea “marathon”. As editor-in-chief, Martin, with the help of writers, illustrators, photographers and other personnel, officially released a paper tea magazine named “Eighty Degree” in November 2018, and became famous at once. The response was enthusiastic in the “tea circle” in Europe. I also bought several copies after hearing the news. Martin acknowledged that the magazine seems to have successfully filled a gap in the tea world in Europe and even the world. Over the years, this magazine is still hot. At the beginning of 2023, the ninth issue of the magazine will be released soon. International popular tea readings are very ideal media for the promotion of Chinese tea and tea culture. I can’t help but wonder, there are so many interesting and knowledgeable tea reading materials in the Chinese market, whether they should take the initiative to “positioning” themselves internationally, translate or publish more tea readings in English or other languages?


Tea Hiker on the Ancient Tea Horse Road

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of January 2022 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-Jeff Fuchs:行走于茶马古道上的徒步者”.

Jeff Fuchs, who has lived in Shangri La, Yunnan for ten years, has 17 years of experience in recording and exploring trade routes in the Himalayas and visiting trade participants. He always takes tea and teapots when traveling. His photographic documentary book <Ancient Tea Horse Road> has recorded that he and his team walked along the ancient tea horse road on the Yunnan Tibet line. Based on his book, the documentary of the same name made by Canadian director Andrew Gregg won the documentary award. Jeff has organized and participated in more than 30 Himalayan expeditions, and he has won many Explorer awards such as recently as one of the “100 greatest explorers in Canada” by the Royal Geographical Society of Canada.


Tea Podcast – Tea, Mud and Hope

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of December 2021 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-Monica Griesbaum:苏格兰的茶泥和希望”.

As the owner of Windy Hollow tea farm in Scotland, Monica Griesbaum explored and learned how to grow and make tea on 24 acres of broad-leaved forest land in Perthshire, in order to further understand tea planting, production and processing, new tea planting methods facing climate change, organic ecological tea industry and biodiversity of tea industry. Monica started the podcast “Tea, Mud and Hope” in 2019, hoping to inspire and encourage more people to pay attention to relevant topics through her podcast.


Tea History Podcast – Teacup Media

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of November 2021 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-Laszlo Montgomery: 洛杉矶的中国茶史博客”.

Modern people read less and listen more. Podcasts in the form of audio on demand may be the future development direction of we media. The podcast has low production cost and simple operation, as long as the audience has an Internet connection, it can be shared with anyone anywhere in the world. Laszlo Montgomery, who lived in Los Angeles after retirement, started to build China’s history podcast Teacup Media in 2010 out of his personal interest in Chinese history. Laszlo had many contacts with Wang Xufeng, a tea novel writer who won the Mao Dun Literature Award and a columnist of China national tea journal <Tea Times>…, and was invited to give a speech at Zhejiang agriculture and Forestry University where she taught. Inspired by this, Laszlo added the tea history series to the podcast in 2014. The celadon teacup given by Mr. Wang at that time has been used so far.


Tea Podcast or Multicast? – The Secret of Tea

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of October 2021 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-“Inga Krämer: 茶的秘密”里的直播.

Inga Krämer launched her “The Secret of Tea” podcast at the end of 2019. She not only has her own podcast, but also social media such as YouTube channel and instragram TV. The accounts of these media platforms carry and fulfill her tea enthusiasm and she can switch freely. For example, if the tea theme of this issue needs to reflect the etiquette of tea ceremony or show the appearance of tea and tea sets, she chooses visual media. If tea theory and other ideological topics are involved, podcasts that are relatively simple in post production will be used, and it is better to add a blog. Tea itself is a complex theme. If tea people want to properly express the diversified topics of tea, one may not be limited to a single form of expression.


Tea Podcast – Shernelle’s Tea Talk

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of September 2021 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-欧洲茶播客”.

Today is undeniably the era of visual media, short video, Vlog and other we media have become popular all over the world, Podcast we media as network broadcast audio, compared with video shooting, podcast post production is relatively simple. Many European tea people choose podcasting to chat about tea. The audience does not have to sit in front of the computer or listen to it in real time. They can open the podcasting anytime and anywhere, especially when they are drinking a cup of tea. They are far away from the bombardment of visual media and the rest of vision, they are more focused on the enjoyment of smell and hearing. Because of this, the tea podcasting is very popular with tea audience.
