French Tea People Promote Chinese Pu’er Tea

Wenzhuo Liu

French man William Osmont settled in Yunnan, China, with a background in agricultural machinery education. He helped his wife Yubai, a tea farmer, whose family has been tea farmers for generations, William establish the Yunnan tea brand Farmerleaf and gradually expand into the international market. William mainly promotes through social media. In 2023, he organized a European tour to promote his own brand of tea, holding small meetings with local tea enthusiasts in more than ten cities across Europe.


Tea Brand of the China-Canada combination in Yunnan – Bitter Leaf

Wenzhuo Liu

Liu Xuan from Kunming, Yunnan, and Jonah Snyder from Canada opened an online tea store brand Bitter Leaf in Kunming, Yunnan, in 2015. Through online promotion, they focused on the international tea consumer market, retail and wholesale Chinese tea and tea sets to customers mainly in North America and Europe. They insist on visiting the tea gardens in person, and select niche tea produced by small farmers for customers based on their taste preferences. As a photographer, Liu Xuan’s professional photography also helps to increase online popularity, and also obtained the qualification of an intermediate tea master.


Berlin Tea Festival – Yuan Yi and Ma Yunhui

Wenzhuo Liu

Two ethnic minority girls from Yunnan, Yuan Yi and Ma Yunhui, graduated from Berlin, Germany with a master’s degree in business. Together, they registered a trading company in Germany and started the Yunnan tea business, focusing on high-quality high-quality tea in Yunnan. After meeting senior tea enthusiasts Morten Menge of Germany and Alexander Ludwig of Austria, four tea lovers formed a team. From 2018 to 2022, they held three times Berlin Tea Festival in Berlin, Germany. In recent years, there have been many small and medium-sized tea festivals in Europe. What opportunities are offered to tea enterprises and tea institutions that want to go global?


Creative Christmas and New Year Drinks – “Dragon and Tiger Fight” – Tea and White Spirit

Wenzhuo Liu

The Christmas and New Year holidays are coming. I believe many people will go to all kinds of parties and celebrations. Here recommends interesting and creative tea and wine blending drinks, which have both traditions to tell guests and winter health care effects. The Naxi ethnic minorities in Yunnan like to drink a kind of tea and white spirit drink called Dragon and Tiger Fight. The blue flames in the tea cup are like roaring tigers, while the hot tea is poured into the cup like a swimming dragon. This lively drink is very suitable for winter holidays, it can also cure and relieve cold symptoms. However, traditional drinks can also be improved to be closer to modern people’s eating and drinking habits. Traditional pottery can be replaced with glass wine glasses, combined with cool cocktail technology, to make holiday drinks more eye-catching.


Will ceramic craftsmen who love drinking tea make better tea sets?

Wenzhuo Liu

Although Marcel Karcher has seven years of professional experience as a business consultant and financial analyst, because he likes drinking tea, he once had the idea of making tea trade. Finally, he found a more suitable one to make ceramic tea sets, and began to sell his works three years ago. Ordinary people are not particularly picky about the ceramics used to make tableware, but the tea people are different. They brew different kinds of tea and use tea sets with different materials and functions, which have relatively fine requirements for ceramic craftsmen. Marcel felt that Western ceramic artists did not pay attention to the later trimming of the ceramic body after throwing the body, while he liked to make thin body and trim to very details.


Tea Hiker on the Ancient Tea Horse Road

Wenzhuo Liu

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in Wenzhuo‘s column Tea Perspectives of January 2022 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-Jeff Fuchs:行走于茶马古道上的徒步者”.

Jeff Fuchs, who has lived in Shangri La, Yunnan for ten years, has 17 years of experience in recording and exploring trade routes in the Himalayas and visiting trade participants. He always takes tea and teapots when traveling. His photographic documentary book <Ancient Tea Horse Road> has recorded that he and his team walked along the ancient tea horse road on the Yunnan Tibet line. Based on his book, the documentary of the same name made by Canadian director Andrew Gregg won the documentary award. Jeff has organized and participated in more than 30 Himalayan expeditions, and he has won many Explorer awards such as recently as one of the “100 greatest explorers in Canada” by the Royal Geographical Society of Canada.


DIY – Homemade Sicily Mandarin Imperial Pu’er Tea

Wenzhuo Liu

Mandarin Peel Pu’er 柑普 [gān pǔ] Tea is made of tangerine peel (Citrus reticulata Blanco) from Xinhui of Guangdong Province and ripe Pu’er tea from Yunnan Province, through special producing processes. It combines the fruit flavor of Xinhui tangerine and the taste of Yunnan Pu‘er tea, which makes peel and tea absorb each other’s essence, forming a unique flavor and a unique taste. Its health care effect naturally has both advantages. My husband went to Sardinia Italy on a working trip. He mentioned to me that there was a citrus orchard near his residence. Unfortunately, the fruits did not ripen yet, they were still green. I was inspired and asked him to bring some back for me. I then made the green mandarin Pu’er tea by myself, after tasting it, I found it was quite fresh and tasty. Recently, my friend gave me the ripe mandarins from her orchard in Sicily. I can’t miss such good materials, so I started to process again, and take photos to share with you.
