16. January 2022

Yellow Tea

  • Yellow Tea
  • Yuan’an Yellow Bud
  • Junshan Silver Needle
  • Mengding Yellow Bud
  • Huoshan Yellow Bud
  • Anji Golden Bud

Yellow Tea

Yellow tea is a Chinese specialty. According to the size and tenderness of fresh leaves, it can be divided into yellow bud tea, yellow small tea, yellow big tea and ancient yellow tea of the Tang Dynasty. Yellow tea belongs to light fermented tea, and its processing technology is similar to green tea. Only a “stuffy yellow” process is added before or after the drying process to promote the partial oxidation of polyphenols, chlorophyll and other substances. Its processing method is similar to that of green tea, and its production process is: killing and rolling fresh leaves – stuffy yellow and drying. The processes of killing, rolling and drying yellow tea are similar to those of green tea. The most important process is to stuffy yellow tea, which is the key to the formation of the characteristics of yellow tea. The main method is to wrap the killed and rolled tea with paper, or cover it with wet cloth after stacking, for tens of minutes or hours, so as to promote the non enzymatic automatic oxidation of the green tea under the action of hydrothermal to form yellow.

Yuan’an Yellow Bud

Yuan’an, Hubei Province, the hometown of Lei Zu, has a long history of tea planting. It is known as “the first county in Luyu’s <Tea Classics>”. It is a famous yellow tea producing area in China. The unique Danxia landform breeds the unique Yuan’an yellow tea. Yuanan yellow tea, represented by Luyuan tea, has a history of nearly 800 years. Luyuan tea was selected as tribute tea during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It has been rated as “national famous tea” for many times because of its distinctive characteristics such as orchid fragrance, color, delicious mellow and so on. In 1966, the techniques of picking, making and storage of Yuan’an yellow tea were incorporated into the book of tea making, a trial teaching material for national agricultural colleges and universities by Anhui Agricultural University. In 1985, it was incorporated into the anthology of research on Chinese famous tea again, resulting in the inheritance and development of the long and rich cultural and natural culture of Yuan’an yellow tea.
The landform of Yuan’an yellow tea production area is a combination of mountains, hills, valleys and alluvial plains. The soil texture is good, the sand viscosity is reasonable, and the pH is moderate. Yuan’an yellow tea planting area is below 800 meters above sea level, with continuous mountains, clouds and mist, crisscross streams, scattered tea gardens, and unique natural ecological environment. It is suitable for the growth of yellow tea. The production technology of Yuan’an yellow tea is a combination of traditional technology and modern technology, with fine technology and unique style. The production process is divided into six processes: killing green, first stuffy, frying second green, stuffy stacking, picking and frying dry. Yuan‘an yellow tea has typical characteristics of internal quality, including tea polyphenols ≥ 15%, caffeine (calculated on dry basis) ≥ 2.5% and free amino acids ≥ 2%.


Junshan Silver Needle

Junshan silver needle was originally called Baihe white crane tea. It is said that in the early Tang Dynasty, a wandering Taoist named Baihe immortal returned from overseas immortal mountains, brought eight tea seedlings given by immortals and planted them on Junshan island. Later, he built a magnificent white crane temple and dug a white crane well. Immortal Baihe took Baihe well water to brew immortal tea. He saw a white gas curling up in the cup and a white crane flying away in the water. This tea was named “Baihe tea”. Because the tea is golden in color and looks like the feathers of a yellow Finch, it is also called “yellow feather”. Later, this tea was introduced to Chang’an and won the favor of the emperor. Therefore, Baihe tea and Baihe well water were designated as tribute. One year, when paying tribute, the ship crossed the Yangtze River. Due to the turbulence of the wind and waves, the water from the Baihe well brought with the ship was spilled. The state officials who charged the boat were so frightened that they had to take the river water. After being transported to Chang’an, the emperor made tea. He saw the tea floating up and down, but he didn’t see the white crane soaring into the sky. He wondered and said casually, “the white crane is dead!”! Unexpectedly, from then on, the water in Baihe well dried up, and Baihe immortal disappeared. But Baihe tea has been handed down, that is, today’s Junshan silver needle tea.
Junshan silver needle is one of the famous Chinese teas. Jun Mountain tea, produced in Dongting Lake, Yueyang, Hunan, is as thin as a needle, so it is called Junshan silver needle. It belongs to yellow tea. The finished tea bud head is robust, with uniform length and size. The inner surface of the tea bud is golden yellow, the outer shows hair completely, and the body is solid. The shape of the tea bud is like a silver needle, which is nicknamed “gold inlaid jade”. Junshan tea has a long history, it was produced and famous in the Tang Dynasty. It is said that Princess Wencheng brought Junshan silver needle tea into Tibet when she married. Junshan silver needle began in the Tang Dynasty and was listed as “tribute tea” in the Qing Dynasty. In August 1956, it won the gold medal at the Leipzig International Fair. There are strict requirements for the picking and production of Junshan silver needle. It can only be picked seven to ten days before and after the Qingming Festival every year. The picking standard is the first round of tender buds of spring tea. To make this kind of tea, it takes 78 hours to go through eight processes: killing green, cooling and drying, initial baking, initial packaging, re cooling and drying, re baking, re packaging and baking. After brewing, the buds are suspended vertically in the soup, rising to the water surface, sinking slowly, rising and sinking again, rising and falling three times, forming an interesting view.

Mengding Yellow Bud


Mengding Yellow Bud cultivation began in the Western Han Dynasty and has a history of 2000 years. Mengding tea has been a tribute from the Tang Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is one of the most famous tribute tea in Chinese history. Mengshan has a long history of tea production, which has been recorded in many ancient books for more than 2000 years. After the founding of new China, it was rated as one of the top ten famous teas in China. Mengshan mountain produces not only Mengding Ganlu, the famous green tea, but also the hometown of Mengding Yellow Bud, one of the best yellow tea, a well-known tea in China. Mengshan’s misty rain, vast clouds, fertile soil and superior environment have created extremely suitable conditions for the growth of Mengding yellow buds. Up to now, it still retains the top yellow bud tea with stuffy yellow technology. Super grade Mengding yellow bud is made from the whole bud head harvested before the QingMing festival, and 40000-50000 bud heads are required for each 500g of dry tea. Mengding yellow bud has fine workmanship. It adopts the traditional process of roasting and stewing. It uses tender buds to kill green, wrapped with straw paper and placed on the edge of the stove to keep warm and turn yellow, so that the tea green can ferment naturally in a humid and hot environment, then make shape, wrap yellow and dry. It tastes fresh and mellow.



Mengshan tea is mainly produced at the top of Mengshan mountain, so it is called Mengding tea. Mengding tea is produced in Mengshan, which is located in Mingshan and Ya’an of Sichuan Province. It is the site of seven tea trees planted by Wu Lizhen, the founder of Ganlu in Han Dynasty. Tea Blog Mengshan tea has been famous since Tang Dynasty. Both Immortal Tea and Tribute Tea are famous tea treasures in China, Mengding Ganlu is the oldest famous tea in China and the pioneer of famous tea. Mengding Ganlu is the representative of China’s top ten famous tea, top quality green tea and curly green tea. Mengding Ganlu originated from Fan Cha in history, it is the earliest curly (rolling) green tea in China. It evolved from the famous Mengshan tea Yuye Changchun (AD 1112) and Wanchun Yinye (AD 1120) in Song Dynasty. Scholars of all dynasties left many articles praising Mengding tea, from these beautiful words, it is not difficult for us to understand the deep love for Mengding tea of the literati of the past dynasties. Ganlu in Sanskrit means “missing ancestors”, second, tea is like sweet dew. Ganlu tea is tender, exquisite, beautiful in appearance and excellent in quality.




Huoshan Yellow Bud


Huoshan Huangya yellow bud has a long history. Its production can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty, with a history of more than 2000 years. Huoshan Huangya flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties and was listed as a tribute in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Huoshan Huangya was a local famous tea in the Tang Dynasty and was favored by foreign merchants. In the Song Dynasty, Huoshan yellow bud changed from steamed green cake tea to loose tea, and the tea making method was more refined and unique. But most of the green killing process is steaming tea. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the production technology of Huoshan yellow bud has been greatly improved, and the technology is becoming more and more perfect. In terms of preparation method, the “killing green” has been changed to frying, and there has been a “stuffy yellow” process, and tea drinking has been changed from cooking to brewing. The Ming Dynasty is a glorious era for Huoshan Huangya to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future. During the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, Huoshan Huangya entered the imperial court and was enjoyed by the royal family, won the gold medal of Panama world expo.
Huoshan Huangya’s modern handicrafts basically follow the tea making methods of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is the inheritance and development of the ancient tea art. Huoshan yellow bud tea culture is an important part of Chinese tea culture. In the long-term production practice, the hardworking people of Huoshan have formed the unique technology of Huoshan yellow bud tea through continuous exploration and summary, which has added a wonderful stroke to the connotation of China’s tea culture. There are many poems, legends and documentary records about Huoshan Huangya in history, which are full of charm and are a valuable spiritual wealth.
Huoshan huangda tea has strong stems and fat leaves, and the leaves are in strips. The stems and leaves are connected like fishing hooks. The stems and leaves are golden and brown, with oily color, dark yellow and brown soup color, and yellow and medium brown wet leaf. It has a strong mellow taste and high and tender burnt aroma. The processing technology of Huoshan huangda tea includes frying tea, initial baking, stacking and baking. Yellow tea is a slightly fermented tea. Its various quality characteristics are biased towards green tea. Its aroma and mellow taste are suitable for most people. At the same time, it improves the bitter taste of green tea and increases the fermented tea. According to the tea quality inspection center of the China’s Ministry of agriculture, there are 46 kinds of aroma components in Huoshan yellow bud. At the same time, it is also rich in biochemical components such as amino acids, tea polyphenols and coffee. It has the effects of reducing fat and weight, protecting teeth and eyes, improving intestines and stomach and enhancing immunity.

Anji Golden Bud

Golden bud tea was discovered by Zhang Wanlin, director of Deshijia tea farm in Sanqi City, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province in the 1990s. After more than ten years of breeding, with the support of Yuyao related departments and Zhejiang University, they have systematically completed the research on breeding characteristics, application fields and key technologies of industrialization. It has been bred by Tea Research Institute of Zhejiang University, Deshijia tea farm of Yuyao City and linte general station of Yuyao City for nearly ten years. Now it has been introduced into the rare and famous tea germplasm resource garden of Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is the only new variety with yellow variation in China. The amino acid content of golden bud is as high as 9%, while that of white tea is 5- 7%, and that of common tea is 3- 4%. The character of golden bud was stable, and the leaf was golden yellow, while the leaf turned from white to green when the temperature reached 25 ℃. Yang Yajun, director of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that generally speaking, because of the strong sunlight in summer, tea contains more tea polyphenols and less amino acids, so it is difficult to sell tea at a good price. Tea farmers usually finish picking spring tea. Golden bud tea can be harvested in three seasons a year, and its quality is not inferior to other spring teas even in summer and autumn. It can be developed as a high-grade rare tea.

The biggest characteristics of golden leaf are “three yellow”: dry tea is bright yellow, soup is bright yellow, and wet leaf is pure yellow. Golden bud tea is rich in nutrients, including volatile oil, alkaloids, flavonoids and other effective ingredients, trace elements such as iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamins VB1, VB2, VC, etc. the content of various amino acids is as high as 9%, which is 3-4 times of ordinary tea, and golden bud tea contains tea polyphenols as high as 20%. Tender fragrance is one of the characteristics tea, whether it is dry tea or brewed tea soup, the thicker the tender fragrance is, the longer it lasts and the higher the quality is. After three minutes, the yellow leaves stretch out and return to jade yellow. The tea buds bloom, the wet leaves are jade yellow, and the veins are yellow. It looks like pieces of jade dancing, and each golden branch is independent.