Tea Notes 茶谱 (Partial) – Daoist Tea Book by Ming Dynasty’s Zhu Quan

Wenzhuo Liu

Zhu Quan’s book <Tea Notes> had a profound impact on tea drinking in later generations. He regarded tea drinking as a way of manifesting his ambition and cultivating Taoism. He promoted tea drinking to the height of Tao, which not only improved the tea ceremony art since the Tang and Song Dynasties, but also laid a theoretical foundation for the development of tea drinking in the Ming Dynasty and later literati.


Wudang Daoists and Tea – Chen Tuan and Liu Daoming

Wenzhuo Liu

Chen Tuan, one of the most famous daoists had lived in secluded Wudang mountains to cultivate himself, <History of Song 宋史> recorded that Chen Tuan liked to drink tea, the Zhou Shi Zong emperor had rewarded him 30 Jin tea according to <History of Song · Chen Tuan Biography 宋史·陈抟传>. Chen Tuan had written <Memorial of thanks for emperor’s autograph edict, Tea and Medicine 谢手诏并赐茶药表> to Song Tai Zong emperor, which was included in <Whole History of Song 全宋史>.


Wudang Daoists and Tea – Laozi and Yin Xi

Wenzhuo Liu

Chinese family has a tradition of serve tea to guests, regarding to the Daoist Scriptures, this tradition is from Daoism. In the Spring and Autumn period, when Laozi (Lao-tzu) left Hangu strategic pass, he asked the pass guard Yin Xi to welcome him at home and could serve him tea firstly “首献茗”, Laozi said, people who appreciate tea after eating, you are all on the same way, they should be all disciples of Daoism “食是茶者,皆汝之道徒也”. ——《道经·天皇至道太清玉册》


Fu Brick (Wudang) – the Mystery tea of ancient Chinese Silk Road

Wenzhuo Liu

Fu Brick 茯砖 [fú zhuān] tea is a very special dark tea, people call it, the mystery tea of ancient Chinese Silk Road. Fu Brick has been made firstly in 1860s, dark tea crude materials were pressed into big bamboo baskets and transported from Hunan province to Shanxi province to make further processes at that time. Fu Brick was also called Hu Tea “湖茶” as it from Hunan province, Fu Tea “伏茶” as the tea process  during hottest days- Fu Tian 伏天 in Summer, and Jingyang Brick “泾阳砖” as bricks formed in Jingyang.
