American works as Tea Makers in Europe

Wenzhuo Liu

Photo Andy LeGresley

Alicia Gentili, an American with a Bachelors degree in Socioe conomics, gradually transformed into a new tea maker in Europe through multiple encounters with tea. As a project manager, Alicia worked at a tea plantation in Jersey, UK for over two years, accumulating knowledge of tea production through practical experience. In 2022, she began providing tea processing services and consulting Alicia Gentili Tea Consulting in Europe, and during the tea season, she went to tea plantations of customers in various European countries to help with tea processing and production.


Dutch Chinese established a Tea Online Shop- Teasenz

Wenzhuo Liu

Sam Lin, a Dutch Chinese born in Wenzhou, worked as a financial advisor in Amsterdam. Later, he moved to Shenzhen, China with his wife and worked as a project and digital marketing manager. Out of a desire to try, he established the Teasenz online tea shop in 2012. By applying his knowledge in data analysis and online marketing accumulated through his career, his revenue increased rapidly. In 2014, he quit his job and decided to manage his business on a full-time basis. When I asked about some advice for Chinese tea companies to expand abroad, Sam says “Given the large size of the Chinese tea market, I think most tea companies aren’t interested in expanding abroad. However, if they do decide to sell to international markets I advise them to build a professional team, which can bridge differences in culture, language, and understand local preferences.”


Dutch Tea Plantation- Het Zyuderblad

Wenzhuo Liu and Linda Cebrian Rampen

Good news for Chinese readers: related article has been published in the July 2021 <Tea Times 茶博览> tea magazine in Chinese, 观茶者专栏-Het Zyuderblad茶园:分享一杯荷兰好茶”. 

Het Zuderblad tea plantation is the first tea garden in the Netherlands. Linda Cebrian Rampen is the owner of this tea garden. The tea garden is located in Soerendonk, in the south of the Netherlands, near the Belgian border. Linda’s family has run the farm for generations. As the only daughter of her parents, she inherited the farm and developed a tea garden through her own efforts. After a lot of reading research and travel investigation in the previous two years, Linda successfully achieved the first goal of the tea garden in 2015, planting 120 tea trees for outdoor experiments. In 2017, she planted 2000 tea trees in the second batch, and continued to expand in 2018, planting 1000 more tea trees in the garden. The next batch of tea seedlings of different varieties are cultivated in the greenhouse in order to select tea varieties that are more suitable for the Dutch climate. Linda is confident about the future of her tea garden.
